mercredi 25 juillet 2012


Hey guys! 

The other day, I decided to make myself a banana hair mask! Bananas are very good for your hair, because there is a lot of starch in it. It helps them shine, grow and make it more smooth. 

First you take a banana (or two if you have very long hair), a tablespoon of olive oil (or any other good oil; argan oil, jojoba oil, ... I used my own hair oil) and a tablespoon of vinegar. 

The oil really feeds your hair and the vinegar helps them to strengthen and shine even more.

Make sure you mash the banana reaaaalllyy well. I even suggest you put it in a mixer, because I mashed it for about 15 minutes, but I still had some banana chunks that I couldn't get of my hair very well! So, I recommend you put the banana in a blender otherwise you will struggle to rinse off the banana. 

Then you apply the paste on your hair, everywhere. You wrap your hair in plastic foil and leave this for 15-20 minutes! Then you rinse it and wash your hair!

Besides the struggle for getting the banana chunks out of my hair, I really loved the result. My hair felt thicker, stronger and also very soft and shiny!



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