samedi 3 mars 2012

morning pancakes

Good morning !

After sleeping more than 12 hours tonight, I woke up quite hungry :) I thought, let's make some pancakes! I just bought some ginger syrup and I wanted to try that.

I didn't measured anything, I was too lazy for that. Just took some spelt flower, cinnamon, chia and flax seeds (that I soaked first in boiled water), oat flakes, little bit of orange flower water (I love the smell of it) and some rice milk. Mixed that all together.

Then I made the topping ; coconut milk with ginger syrup, cinnamon, chia seeds and shredded coconut.

This was the result ! Okay, it doesn't look very good but it was good and also quite heavy ! 

PS : My blog is 1 month old now !! And there will soon be a little give-away for you, I'll keep your posted :)!

Love, Shady

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