Muesli...I think I'm eating this every morning for more than 6 years now! A couple of years ago, when I was in Amsterdam with my friend Emma, I found this book : Het Muesliboek ! This is a book from 1985, I payed it 2,50 euro's but for me it's worth 10000 euro's :). It explains how a REAL MUESLI should be, what things you can put into (almost everything), and what it does to your body! I'll try to resume the book for you;
1) GRAINS = graankorrels
* BARLEY = gerst, orge (most of minerals, good for the intestine, lungs, lots of vit B1 B2, vit E, niacine and pantotheenacid (these two are precursors for making coënzymes, really necessary in a cell! (I just studied this for my exam Biochemistry ;-) ) )
* OAT = haver, avoine (this is very good for your strenght and intellectual potential, very good when you are in need of magnesium and egg white, also if you have cardiovascular diseases or anemia; vit B, kalium, calcium, magnesium, iron and fosfor)
* RYE = rogge, seigle (you can find this a lot in bread; strengthens your whole body and helps for a better stool, really high kalium concentration and this stimulates your liver in a good way:)!)
* MILLET = gierst, millet (really good for your SKIN, nails and hair, lots of iron, magnesium, fosfor and vit B's - if you have a bad skin I really recommend to eat a lot of millet in your muesli for a couple of weeks, you will see the difference)
* SPELT = spelt, épeautre (lots of iron and fosfor, good for your bowl) BUT I WILL DO ANOTHER POST soon ABOUT THIS EXTRAORDINARY GRAIN
* BUCKWHEAT = boekweit, sarrasin; this has to be soaked in water before you can use it. (Gives the essential amino-acid LYSINE (also studied that), VIT B1, B2, iron, kalium, calcium). Buckwheat is one of my favorites, I really like the nutty flavor of it! I also cook it and use it in salads, very good!
Never WHITE SUGAR; when our body need to decompose white sugar, it also brings vit B1, B2, nicotinacid, panthotheenacid and B-biotine down (essential coënzymes). That's NOT a good thing!!! If you put white sugar in your fresh made muesli, I think you'll kill me from the inside.
what I like to see : HONEY, FRESH FRUIT, concentrated pear juice (ingedikt perensap)= good for diabetics, DRIED FRUIT
raisins = vit A, vit C, vit B1, vit B2, niacine, they help our bowl, clean our intestines, help our kidneys, our liver, also for old people they are really good to make them stronger!
dried plums (pruimen, prunes) = those keep our intestins in very good condition, vit A, vit C, vit B2, vit B6 and all minerals! Not too much, one or too, otherwise you'll maybe have some diarrhea.
dates (dadels, dattes) = my all time favorite, this is so jummie and so sweet :). Lots of kalium, magnesium, calcium, fosfor, iron, natrium, vit B1 B2 A and C, and proteins! It also keeps you thin, because when you eat dates, you don't want to eat candy and other bad sugary things!
apples = fresh apple! They contain vit B, vit C and lots of minerals. It increases our immune system against sickness, calms down the nerves, helps the making of blood, helps our teeth gum, intestines, ... = one apple a day keeps the doctor away!
Yeeeeeeesss all kinds of nuts! These are very good for our brains, my fellow students ;-). And please don't say, 'they make me fat'. Okay, if you eat really lots of them and salted nuts but if you only put them in your muesli, it will even make you skinnier! Because the oil in the nuts, helps our body to break down FATS! Also lots of minerals; kalium, lots of magnesmium, calcium, fosfor, magnesium, iron, fluor, vit B's, VIT E! Nuts contain really really a lot of vit E, so if you want to stay young: NUTS.
This was my muesli of this morning;
- one apple
- regular muesli (mostly with oat)
- raisins
- pistachio nuts
- sunflower seeds
- pumpkin seeds
- oat bran (son d'avoine)
- chia seeds
- CINNAMON offcourse (I will talk about this later)
- oat milk
- dates on top mmmm
Yes, my dog Prince wanted to taste it also ;-)
I love eating my muesli in the morning thanks toooo you shady!